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TopicTopic StarterLast DateRespViews
Muhammad's Night Journey wasn't to Jerusalem, so why all the fuss?American Kafir 6/2/2012 11:23:37 PM 413947
Nearly 1 in 4 People Worldwide Is MuslimUrmi 10/9/2009 1:44:44 PM 02038
PolytheistsDavid Blue 1/21/2009 4:34:05 PM 1810626
The Quran Proves that the Land of Israel Belongs to the Jewish Peopleswhitebull 1/8/2009 8:23:37 AM 724821
Dhimmitudesofa 12/31/2008 4:06:39 PM 25619
Slaverysofa 12/31/2008 3:52:38 PM 25315
Bernard Lewis Lecturesofa 1/24/2008 3:32:23 PM 33951
Terrorist Death Watchphalanx30 8/11/2007 6:16:01 PM 13552
Where's the media coverage of islam's abuse of women's rights?sofa 3/17/2007 10:06:22 PM 23198
What is VictoryFinal Historian 3/16/2007 8:55:12 PM 2810318
koran 101sofa 3/10/2007 5:49:57 PM 63762
Ex-Muslim with a plansofa 3/7/2007 4:09:12 PM 24625
Nekama's troll hammersofa 2/27/2007 9:55:04 AM 44439
Question for All our Muslim Readersswhitebull 12/4/2006 5:49:28 AM 23606
ROP Strikes Again - Mass Molestations to Celebrate Eids in Cairo - What Would Moho Say? swhitebull 10/30/2006 8:49:00 PM 03419
the West Vs. IslamMuslim 10/30/2006 2:46:55 PM 11831649
Bobblehead Mohammed $14.99sofa 10/13/2006 9:37:41 AM 88072
prophet of doomsofa 10/8/2006 9:15:54 AM 03686
2 european op-edssofa 10/1/2006 12:06:44 AM 03348
Koran reading questionsofa 7/31/2006 5:31:02 AM 3513263
snappy tunessofa 7/30/2006 11:44:09 AM 13436
obsession - what the war on terror is really aboutsofa 7/30/2006 6:22:36 AM 03395
Anyone heard from Myrmidon? sofa 7/8/2006 11:27:13 PM 03623
SGTObvious Manifesto 1, Religion and ProofSGTObvious 5/19/2006 11:28:08 PM 84558
Weak is more dangerous than strongTriggaFingaz 5/19/2006 11:17:29 PM 34070
Stinky Quranic Fish Stolen - Some Muslim Fanatics Say Fish is Sacred to Islamswhitebull 5/19/2006 11:13:17 PM 23951
9-11 IT WAS NEEDED TO SHOW AMERICA THE TRUTH Hasib Ghorgi 4/29/2006 2:38:22 AM 229047
The Fall of France and the Multicultural World War sofa 4/18/2006 10:31:55 PM 13865
Which country is the greatest enemy of Fundementalist Islam?ilpars 4/17/2006 5:46:57 AM 5617939
'Intelligent design': Religion or science?K2 9/24/2005 10:13:13 PM 03214
The Islamic Foundation of the RenaissanceK2 9/21/2005 8:42:38 AM 96330
Evidence that the koran was written by humansFJV 7/10/2005 7:20:20 AM 68218
We Are the World - Islamic Styleswhitebull 4/15/2005 3:10:58 PM 13854
Monkey Pornswhitebull 2/8/2005 11:15:34 PM 018823
friend foreverdragonkiller(here!) 12/9/2004 10:26:41 AM 03520
An objective view of the war on terrorismVanguard 10/21/2004 3:40:21 AM 299406
a more civilized manner of warjastayme3 10/19/2004 8:54:39 PM 23960
A good warriorjastayme3 10/19/2004 12:32:50 PM 17737
My favorite Philosopher describes a fanaticjastayme3 10/13/2004 4:26:22 PM 03955
Uncle Sam needs his nerdsjastayme3 10/13/2004 4:06:07 PM 24185
Ban All Religionsgiblets 9/19/2004 10:50:33 PM 7323872
If he can do this, why can't I??TriggaFingaz 9/14/2004 4:16:28 PM 34306
A question for VDHjastayme3 9/9/2004 2:33:24 PM 34329
Where do I fit in?american in Italy 8/27/2004 3:23:55 PM 86363
Human Civilization and Evolution of WarfareMichael 8/27/2004 3:02:04 PM 59226
It will not end with the war on terrorFJV 8/27/2004 2:53:51 PM 34509
Are we all war Lovers?giblets 8/27/2004 2:38:14 PM 116078
Islam without Jihad is not IslamAmerican Kafir 8/20/2004 6:55:20 PM 03470
where is real crusader speech?jastayme3 6/17/2004 12:05:40 AM 43916
If THine Eyes Offend thee, Pluck Them Out- the Panty Jihadswhitebull 6/15/2004 7:37:57 AM 15972
Brigette Bardot Fined for Anti-Islamic Writingsswhitebull 6/15/2004 4:21:27 AM 2915800
Islam on S-E-X: FEMI-PHOBIAswhitebull 6/15/2004 3:14:47 AM 1019645
A Japanese View of Arab Cultureswhitebull 5/29/2004 4:02:32 AM 918054
SGTObvious Manifesto 2, Defnitions, and InfallibilitySGTObvious 5/28/2004 2:58:04 PM 219501
SGTObvious Manifesto 3 The Human PurposeSGTObvious 5/24/2004 5:43:29 AM 104631
Scientific Indications in Winnie the PoohSGTObvious 5/23/2004 9:06:30 AM 34525
Scientific Indications in the Holy Qur'an, Part-IIAchernar 5/21/2004 5:25:02 AM 5414318
strategy & philosophyjastayme3 5/15/2004 7:21:24 PM 34822
Scientific Indications in the Holy Qur'an, Part-I Achernar 5/14/2004 10:50:05 PM 1711900
styles in strategy and tacticsjastayme3 5/11/2004 1:57:01 PM 13754
Gimli the Dwarf Makes A BIG Observation - and is Branded an Anti-Muslim racistswhitebull 5/7/2004 3:54:10 PM 86542
The new world powersxinjiang 5/6/2004 11:44:03 AM 84722
First Century Ben-Ladenjastayme3 5/3/2004 3:37:41 PM 04179
Does Islam Preclude Democracy?Phoenix Rising 5/1/2004 2:09:18 PM 4713630
Will all French citizens please comment on this?NewGuy 5/1/2004 1:53:28 PM 116157
Is it a Brave New World?Jeff from Michigan 4/28/2004 2:31:42 PM 84370
The Reqirement For Christian-Muslim 4/28/2004 1:49:25 PM 6819931
More Tolerance From the Wonderful World of Toleranceswhitebull 4/28/2004 1:20:51 PM 23576
For those who love Conspiracy Theories:Final Historian 4/22/2004 7:04:02 PM 23912
Definitions - islamofacsists et al. from Terrorism boardElbandeedo 4/22/2004 12:23:56 PM 4715190
Ask the ImamAmerican Kafir 4/15/2004 6:44:29 AM 126279
More Patterns of Global TrollismSGTObvious 4/2/2004 6:42:24 AM 03687
Patterns of Global TrollismSGTObvious 3/28/2004 1:34:36 AM 24550
Ignoring LessonsGreen Dragon 3/22/2004 2:01:02 PM 13668
Your bowels are disobedient to Allah!American Kafir 3/18/2004 2:49:26 PM 44038
A sobering look at IslamAmerican Kafir 3/10/2004 12:26:28 AM 109391
BUSTED - Egyptian Museum Caught Displaying the Protocols as Truthswhitebull 3/1/2004 8:18:30 PM 03262
Interesting emails with anti-nuclear/anti-war activist...NewGuy 2/21/2004 10:54:41 AM 43976
Islam Has No Heart for Valentine's Dayswhitebull 2/17/2004 8:33:53 PM 09113
Religion of Peace is at it again!SGTObvious 1/28/2004 11:06:52 AM 33793
Must read tract on the arab worldFinal Historian 1/15/2004 8:23:23 PM 03540
(no subject)American Kafir 11/13/2003 2:29:32 PM 23554
The Muslim Persecution of Christiansswhitebull 11/13/2003 9:31:00 AM 136797
This one is for Thomas!SGTObvious 11/12/2003 6:07:42 PM 03336
The Incredibly Shrinking Muslim Member (not -ship) or How the Infidels Cause Our Penises to Vanishswhitebull 11/7/2003 10:34:31 AM 012028
A Symposium of Islamic anti-Semitismswhitebull 10/31/2003 2:53:41 PM 24322
Thinking GreenSGTObvious 10/26/2003 12:56:20 AM 34196
Why Mahathir really insulted Muslims and Christians, he actually compliments the Jews!swhitebull 10/24/2003 12:58:14 PM 14294
Europeappleciderus 10/21/2003 12:09:01 PM 44048
What they are not telling you...American Kafir 10/1/2003 7:37:09 AM 44032
SGT Obvious Manifesto 3 1/2- Good, Evil, and EvolutionSGTObvious 10/1/2003 5:06:46 AM 135693
Man will unite to fight common enemy from space!Philippine Soldier 9/23/2003 5:34:44 PM 74484
Why Arabs Hate and Love themselves at the same timeswhitebull 9/22/2003 5:04:32 PM 03965
NOTICE TO OUR READERS FROM SYSOPS - regarding TavitaSYSOP1 9/22/2003 8:19:06 AM 23614
Got nowhere else to put this... (Poland)nvdoyle 9/10/2003 11:11:49 PM 03806
Can we tolerate this?SGTObvious 9/4/2003 1:39:39 AM 44547
What Muslims need to know about Jews and Christans.Pakistani 8/31/2003 1:08:24 PM 147494
We have a new saint!SGTObvious 8/7/2003 5:41:20 PM 34183
Calling out all Democrats who can shoot straight....American Kafir 3/29/2003 12:49:49 PM 75487
Muslim Up' cocks a snook at US norden 3/15/2003 7:55:26 AM 19597
AishaMuslim to Ump 2/5/2003 3:05:07 PM 127451
Western Economic PowerSGTObvious 1/23/2003 3:11:36 PM 55059
Does Islam Preclude SGTObvious?SGTObvious 12/15/2002 7:20:05 PM 197077
Temperory redesignating this the Northern Ireland board!Tommy Atkins 12/5/2002 12:54:04 PM 197448
Pipes as a starting point.David Blue 11/29/2002 7:43:28 PM 54064
Islam = Evil?The Myrmidon to: Muslim 11/18/2002 2:54:44 AM 6616638
SummaryMuslim to ben and AK 11/3/2002 5:45:00 AM 5512667
ComedyDavid Blue 11/2/2002 8:46:07 AM 03817
Important message to all Muslims and Terrorists! Urgentamerican in Italy 11/1/2002 11:51:21 PM 14031
Man: The Eternal WarriorThe Myrmidon 10/18/2002 4:16:27 PM 3210991
To: Strategy Staff~~Getting tedious guys, old format seemed solid?Test in Progress 10/8/2002 5:31:20 PM 45081
the miracle of the QuranMuslim to Ben 10/6/2002 4:01:58 AM 2115867
An interesting article, comments Muslim/VeritasJeff from Michigan 10/6/2002 3:55:50 AM 248105
LanguageMuslim to Ak 9/30/2002 2:21:51 AM 3810639
Clear Miracle-ness here.Ben 9/25/2002 1:27:44 PM 198730
Hey, Geist. I'm back.The Myrmidon 9/18/2002 2:20:24 AM 54525
Speakin of terrorists....9/11/02Geist 9/18/2002 2:16:29 AM 33812
To: Night StalkerThe Myrmidon 9/18/2002 1:22:55 AM 13777
To Jeff, Bsl , Pheonix, and everyone else with a brain (does not include CP and DD)Pakistani 9/17/2002 11:59:00 PM 278881
The United States should promote peacePeacenik 9/16/2002 5:57:58 PM 43965
Islam vs SwimsuitsBen 9/15/2002 8:22:45 PM 127135
Peace with Muslim NationsGeist 9/12/2002 7:57:53 PM 33844
The Line Between Good And 9/12/2002 4:34:14 PM 39631
The Ultimate WarriorMystery Rider 9/12/2002 3:55:02 PM 1910942
[humor] Oh cruel fate...American Kafir 9/11/2002 6:12:17 AM 45326
Hope you don't mind.Geist TO: Muslim & AK 9/10/2002 6:01:00 PM 84174
TO:Night StalkerGeist 9/9/2002 2:35:07 PM 04000
New message board format makes threads hard to findAmerican Kafir to Muslim 9/9/2002 1:39:13 PM 57752
Am I in the right place?Geist 9/9/2002 1:32:36 PM 33913
Donkey's 9/9/2002 1:24:51 PM 14326
The Fall of he Islamic way of lifeveriats 9/7/2002 8:01:51 AM 126340
TimelessBen 9/4/2002 4:24:15 PM 63982
To Jeff, American ImperialismPakistani 6/21/2002 3:12:59 AM 269769
To Veritas whomever you areJeff from Michigan 4/7/2002 10:19:51 PM 03839
Can Free Trade Really Prevent War? Pakistani 4/2/2002 9:49:29 PM 1610011
To Pakistani - Talking about American ImperialismJeff from Michigan 3/16/2002 8:17:05 PM 15264

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